Project description

We are schools with different student typologies and we can help one each other due to our diversity.
This implies a huge enrichment for the whole community: students, teachers, families and local communities.
Furthermore, we are a partnership with different ways to tackle social inclusion because each one of us responds to a different scheme of society (homogeneous, semi-omogeneous, diverse). Since we have worked together previously and we are already acquainted with their societies and lacks we think that we need to deepen into finding new strategies to improve social inclusion in our Europe. No more big topics and expectations but real things, real facts and real life. This is what motivates us most.

1- Analysis of the EU Citizens’ Rights and Duties Chart and work on that basis regarding the situation of migrants, people from diverse origins, people with disabilities and fewer opportunities due to Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA229 – School Exchange Partnerships FormId KA229-01EBE867 Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00 EN 4 / 113 social/economical factors, in each one of our partner schools.
2- Research of more effective and successful methodologies to teach English as a second or third language in our case, through the enrichment with other (partners’) educational systems.
3- Motivation of both students and teachers in their personal development.
4- Update teachers’ working methods through the exchange of good practices with partners schools.
5- Enable teachers’ professional development and qualification.
6- Improvement in key competencies results.
7- Decrease of early school leaving in General Secondary School



First of all, it has to be said that the below-mentioned objectives of our Strategic partnership meet the following European horizontal priorities:

– social inclusion (actions that help address diversity and promote –in particular through innovative and integrated approaches, shared values, equality, including gender equality, and nondiscrimination and social inclusion, including for people with health-related conditions, through education)
– social and educational Value of European Cultural Heritage, its contribution to job creation, economic growth and social cohesion.

Informative brochures summarizing the project for families, visitors, town halls, or any person interested as a way to disseminate our project.
Presentations (Videos, prezzi, …)
Etwinning Twinspace where all the activities, experiences of the students will be presented.
Informative posters, banners with our project’s slogans and thoughts of our students will be displayed in all partner schools and local events in our towns (open doors at schools, social services buildings, town halls)
A “customized project book” containing a summary of the best and most relevant photos, statistics, drawings and comments made by the students during the 2 years of project’s life.

